Sunday, November 7, 2010

BUS 523 Chapter 7 Reflection

Chap 7 Strategy Implementation
Write a reflection about something you found interesting and post your reflection to the forum.

Once strategies have been agreed on, the next step is implementation; this is where most failures occur. It is not uncommon for strategic plans to be drawn up annually, and to have no impact on the organization as a whole.
Strategy implementation usually involves the introduction of change to an organization. Managers may spend a lot of time evaluating and selecting a strategy. Frequently this strategy is announced to the organization with the expectation that organization members will automatically see why it is the best one and will begin implementation immediately.  If a strategic change is poorly introduced, managers may actually spend more time implementing changes resulting from the new strategy than was spent in selecting it.  Strategy implementation involves both macro-organization issues, and micro- organizational issues. Macro-organizational issues are large-scale, system-wide issues that affect many people within the organization. Micro-organizational issues pertain to the behavior of individuals within the organization and how individuals in the larger organization will view strategy implementation.

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